Reaching For Clear Skies.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I Envy You

Truthfully, I'm extremely envious of you. I'm so jealous of those who have had their parents be a huge part of their life. I know its asking for too much, but as I am still a kid at heart, I wish they were more involved in my life. Those who are fortunate enough to have both the freedom to be themselves and have their parents right by their side, treasure it.

Today I graduated from high school. I, alone, celebrated it. While sitting with my beloved cohort, I honestly felt lonely. Not a parent, a friend (outside grade 12) or a family member in sight. Everyone was celebrating their own completion of their high school life with their loved ones, crying happily and proudly, whilst I walked around trying to find people that aren't busy. No one has a hour or two in their day for me. Not a time that is spent to congratulate with me. I would be surprised if my parents even knew I was graduating today.

On monday mum called me with a slightly annoyed tone, asking where I am and what I want to eat from our restaurant. Yet again I was forgotten. They didn't know I had formal, even though I informed them many times over. Even at the pre formal, my parents weren't there. Every single person had their significant other and family members, yet with me, only Denne could find time for me.

Its not an uncommon occurrence. I guess I should get used to it.

I swear on my life, that I'll be there for my kids every step of the way. I'd rather die then let my child feel this lonely and insignificant.

Well, I'm now off for a walk in the city. Yay