The Past Few Weeks

Ok, its been a while since I've actually posted something really in detail about my life. I've finally finished my exams, and formal is over. Just a few more days until i finally finish my high school days. I'll be done with the countless late nights of studying, and the over excessive stress that fucked with my head. Goodbye to those racist dickheads that say, "ching chong ling long ting tong" to my face because I just happen to be a tiny asian chick. After a while, I finally got sick of letting the little bastard getting in my face, I just turned around and said, "stop being an illiterate little mother fucker and shut the fuck up, fucking shit for brains." The mother fucker didn't stop, so one day when he as right behind me and continued to harass me, my heel co-wink-i-dinkly contacted his little solider. Needless to say, it as assuming. He finally stfu and left me alone, in fear that his dick might rot off the next time he tries to be a prick. Thats right bitch.
Anywho, I finally finished schooooooool!!! To be honest, I think I'll really miss high school life. Well, the part where I can see my friends and be apart of a regular schedule that is. Change is gonna hit me again... I hate change, as my blog indicated many times over. Formal was on the 11th of November, 2013. It was great. My dress came out as what I waned it to be. My man took me to the pre-formal and we got lots of weird glances. Denne told me that a group of teachers were looking at my dress and took photos of it lol. I guess I accomplished something? I think Denne looked so fine, omg. When he came out with the dress pants and his white shirt half buttoned up... I honestly wanted to rip it all over and rape his face .-. I love seeing him in formal clothing, it drives me insane. Here are photos from formal =)